We compared hbs and abs ( remifentanil - based sedation ) within a general intensive care unit ( icu ) 基于催眠的镇静( hbs )常规使用咪唑安定和/或异丙酚,在必要时加用吗啡或其他镇痛药物。
Myopathy and the concurrent administration of corticosteroids and neuromuscular blockers are well described in the intensive care unit ( icu ) setting 在icu ,肌病与同时给予皮质类固醇和神经肌肉阻滞剂被详细记录。
He developed paralysis in the four extremities with flaccid muscle 5 days after admission to the intensive care unit ( icu ) , and delayed weaning once the sepsis was under control 在入加护病房住院第五天时发现四肢瘫痪及肌肉无力而且当败血症已控制后却仍然难以脱离呼吸器。